Airsoft Battery Life How Long Does It Last

How Long Does an Airsoft Battery Last?

Airsoft battery life can commonly refer to the time of use for a battery powered gun or the durability of a rechargeable battery and its overall lifespan. Depending on the individual battery, both can vary significantly and need to be addressed when looking to purchase an airsoft gun.

Airsoft gun batteries come in various shapes and sizes, with the most common being the small stick battery. Usually constructed of 9.6V NiMH batteries, these are usually the most cost efficient batteries intended for beginner or casual airsoft players.

There are also 7.2V NiCD batteries which are usually intended for use when the gun has higher current draws or when the battery needs to fit into a tight space, but the lifespan is shorter than that of other batteries.

For more experienced players, Li-Po batteries are eventually needed as the gun will draw more current throughout the game and the gun's internals will require proper voltage. These batteries are rechargeable and offer the most longevity for the gun but should only be used by experienced players and must be used with a proper balance charger.

The most obvious benefit of airsoft gun batteries is their longevity. Airsoft guns require batteries that are designed to last a certain amount of shots, which can extend up to 1000 shots on certain guns. This allows for more time on the field and less unloaded gun time when a battery needs to be swapped out.

Most airsoft gun batteries also come with quick charge capabilities which allow the user to quickly recharge their battery before heading out to the field. This is especially useful for players who play competitively or regularly as they need the battery to be ready at a moment's notice.


  • Ability to last for extended periods of gameplay.
  • Quick charge capabilities.
  • Variety of sizes to suit different guns.


  • Some batteries can be expensive.
  • May require additional protective equipment.
  • Can be sensitive to misuse.

Li-Po batteries are the most powerful and durable of all airsoft gun batteries on the market. They are also considered the most dangerous to use and must be handled with care. Li-Po batteries are designed with 3 or 4 cells that measure up to 11.1 volts and are mainly designed to power electric airsoft guns. They also require the use of a balancer charger for proper maintenance.

Li-Po batteries are known to last for extended periods of time, as long as they are properly taken care of and are fully recharged after any prolonged usage. As an example, players who frequent in professional matches, such as the annual World Airsoft Championship, can rely on Li-Po batteries for their whole event.

NiCD batteries are the second most widely used battery type in the airsoft industry, with 9.6V NiMH and 7.2V NiCD being the most common. While they are not as powerful as Li-Po batteries, NiCD batteries have a longer lifespan than Li-Po batteries due to their cheaper material used in construction. These batteries typically last from 500-800 shots, making them ideal for those who are not looking for extended periods of usage.

NiCD batteries also tend to be heavier than their Li-Po counterparts due to their size, making them heavier and less durable than other batteries. But also because they are heavier, they are also more stable, which can be a plus for several shooters.

NiMH batteries are similar to NiCD batteries but with the added benefit of having rechargeable characteristics. This means that the batteries can be recharged many times without needing to be replaced, extending their lifespan far beyond that of regular batteries. These batteries typically last between 800 and 1000 shots per full charge and are usually the most cost effective solution for airsoft players.

NiMH batteries are also designed to be lighter and more compact than their NiCD counterparts, making them easier to transport and carry around on the field. While they are not as powerful as Li-Po batteries, they are still an ideal option for those who are looking for a long lasting battery at an affordable price.

A: The longest lasting airsoft battery is the Li-Po battery. Li-Po batteries have the capability to last up to 1000 shots and can also be recharged multiple times before needing to be replaced. Li-Po batteries are ideal for competitive players and should only be used by those with the proper knowledge and equipment.

A: Yes, most airsoft batteries are rechargeable. NiMH and Li-Po batteries are the most common and both come with rechargeable characteristics. These batteries can be recharged multiple times before needing to be replaced.

A: The type of battery you should choose depends on your needs. For casual players, 9.6V NiMH batteries are the most common and most cost effective solution. For more experienced players, Li-Po batteries are recommended and should only be used with the proper equipment and knowledge.

Airsoft gun batteries can be sensitive if they are not used properly and any misuse can lead to damage or malfunction. Here are some common mistakes people make when handling airsoft gun batteries:

  • Not using the proper charger. Using an improper charger can lead to damage to the battery or gun.
  • Leaving the battery in the gun when it is not in use. This can cause the battery to become overcharged or drained.
  • Not following the instructions when changing batteries. This can lead to incorrect installation, which can lead to damage to the battery or gun.

To ensure your battery is used properly and safely, here are some best practices to follow when handling airsoft gun batteries:

  • Always read and follow the instructions when dealing with batteries.
  • Only use the charger that is approved and provided by the manufacturer.
  • Be mindful of the battery's temperature when charging.
  • Ensure the battery is installed properly and securely to prevent damage.
  • Never leave the battery in the gun when it is not in use.

Airsoft gun batteries are an essential element for any player and must be taken into consideration when purchasing a gun. Understanding the different types of batteries available and the best practices for handling them is key to ensuring your battery is used correctly and safely. By following the tips and advice outlined above, you can ensure that your airsoft battery will last you for many games to come.